News (Page 3)
April 2022 Meeting
Our Speaker this month, who joined us remotely using Zoom, was Renita Horton Prostate Consultant Radiographer of the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust talking about radiotherapy. Her role includes new MDT referrals of prostate cancer patients for consideration of radiotherapy, prescribing of radiotherapy, planning of radiotherapy, on-treatment review of prostate cancer patients, research, education…
March 2022 Meeting
At our March meeting we wlecomed in person Professor Alan Wing and Dr Winnie Chua from The University of Birmingham School of Psychology
Professor Wing gave a very interesting talk about his personal experience of prostate cancer and planned research into how patients experience and deal with Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) - a side effect of Chemotherapy treatment…
February 2022 Meeting
Tonight we went through the Prostate Cancer UK Campaign that has been launched by the NHS to help find 14,000 men who have not started treatment for prostate cancer due to the pandemic and looked at what we could dio to build awareness and get word of the Prostate Cancer UK riskchecker out. Take or share the risk checker now:…
January 2022 Meeting - Review of National Prostate Cancer Audit Report (NPCA) and "A patients experience of chemotherapy"
Tonight we reviewed the recently published National Prostate Cancer Audit (NPCA) which highlighted the impact on COVID on the levels of men being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Full report can be seen here:
We also had a presentation of "A patient's experience of Chemotherapy."…
Christmas Dinner December 2021
A much smaller group than previous years - took Lateral Flow tests and attended our Christmas Dinner at the Wilsons Arms…
November 30th 2021 Meeting - Prostate Cancer Research (PCR) Projects
We heard from David James, Head of Patient Projects at PCR. He updated us on a number of projects including the new Registry that is already being supported by Stephen Fry. Prostate Cancer Research (PCR) intend to set up the first-of-its-kind prostate cancer registry in the UK. This registry would revolutionise prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment and care by helping bring together fragmented information from across the UK’s healthcare system and by putting real people and their experience of living with prostate cancer at the centre of it all…
October 2021 Meeting - Buddying Support for Men with Prostate Cancer
This month's presentation covered th subject of Buddying support for men who are treatment decsion making after a prostate cancer diagnosis. It is based on the research paper* that can be found here:
* Adkins, Aidan. "Peer Coaching During Treatment Decision Making with Men Newly Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer." International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring 15 (2021)…
September 2021 Meeting - The Science and Nutrition of Prostate Cancer
We atched the pre-recorded Webinar delivered by the US PCF (Prostate Cancer Foundation)
This can be watched on demand here :
The full webinar covers:
Hear about the science, and what it means for you:
The Big Picture: Dietary Profiles and Cancer Calorie Restriction and Prostate Cancer: Evidence From a Clinical Trial All About Broccoli And it generated some interesting discussion about the best way to cook broccoli…
First Face to face meeting August 31st 2021 since lockdown
We had 24 in the church at 6 at home on Zoom for this first hybrid meeting. As you can see the chairs are well laid out and good social distancing was achieved…
Return to face to face meetings August 31st 2021 Doors open 6pm for a 6.30pm start
We will be returning to our face to face meetings at Solihull Methodist Church
To ensure the safety of attendees we would ask that you follow the guidance below:
Get a coronavirus vaccine when it is offered to you (See ) Don’t come to a meeting if you feel unwell or have been “pinged” by the NHS App or if told to isolate by NHS Test and Trace…
November 2023 Meeting
27 Nov 2023
October 2023 Meeting
1 Nov 2023
September 2023 Meeting
26 Sep 2023
August 2023 Meeting
29 Aug 2023
July 2023 Meeting
25 Jul 2023
Telephone 07593 514 686